Tara Bray

Experienced Speech Pathologist

Tara is an experienced, creative and passionate speech pathologist, who aims to make therapy a fun and rewarding experience for your child.

Since graduating from the University of Queensland in 2012, Tara has primarily worked with school-aged children and adolescents in the areas of language, speech, fluency, literacy and complex communication.

Tara has been a Clinical Educator for the multiple University programs, and is also a peer mentor to other speech pathologists. Tara has presented at regional meetings for the Department of Education, and has contributed numerous articles for the Department of Education’s journal ‘Talk-About’, about her expertise and experience working with school aged children.

Tara brings a variety of skills and expertise to diagnose communication delays and disorders, and provide targeted, evidenced based treatment. Since having two beautiful children of her own, she has found an additional passion for supporting early talkers, advocating for early intervention and fun, family centered practice. She is all about supporting your child’s specific communication goals, and has the big picture of family, access to schooling and life beyond always in mind.

Tara has provided speech pathology support at an individual, small group, whole class and consultatory level; supporting families, teachers and whole schools to improve outcomes for those with speech and language needs.

Want to play and learn from our extensive experience?

GET IN TOUCH - 0460 830 304, hello@playfulpaediatrics.com.au


  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

  • Fluency (stuttering)

  • Speech Sound Disorders

  • Preverbal and early communication development

  • PROMPT - Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets

  • Narrative assessment and intervention

  • Literacy and Reading difficulties

  • Social communication difficulties

  • Autism and ADHD - Neurodiversity affirming therapist

  • Growth Mindset

  • Zones of Regulation

  • Augmentative and Alternative communication (AAC)

    • Speech Generating Devices - therapy, trials and funding applications

    • PODD books, communication books and Aided Language Displays (ALDs)

  • Assistive Technology to support schooling (language and literacy)


  • Speech Pathology Australia - Certified Practising Speech Pathologist - SPA CPSP